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Gloryhole Gone Wild

Gloryhole Gone Wild Gloryhole Gone Wild
Gloryhole Gone Wild @
Why is it that you pervs love to see filthy gross stuff like what goes on this week? I mean, really…I know I’m kinda embarrassed and almost even ashamed of myself after what I did. I mean really…I wasn’t raised this way. Oh. Hi Bois and Girrrrls! Welcome to My World! And what a world it is. My cameraman drags me out to some crazy ass neighborhood so I can suck dicks I don’t even know…then, he asks me to let the crazy niggahs come on over and do the dirty with me. I mean I got pounded right on that filthy floor! And with jizz all over my face. The other guy sprayed all over my BA-gina and made me so filthy and dirty I went directly home and laid in the bathtub. In fact, as you read this, I’m still there. I haven’t left. It’s an all-time record even for me. And I still think the filth’s still there. Oh well…that’s what a dirty girl gets, right? Hee hee. I’m so gay. XOXOXOXOXO Luv ya! Spring
Gloryhole Gone Wild Gloryhole Gone Wild
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