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Gwen Diamond

Gwen Diamond Gwen Diamond
Gwen Diamond @
First you get the money,then you get the power, then you get the women. Truer words have never been spoken and I’m evidence of that. As the biggest suppier in Porn Valley, I have whores of all shapes and sizes coming to me in order to "party." However, my stuff isn’t cheap and Big Daddy needs to get his before they get theirs. Gwen Diamond has a phenomenal body and a mouth that was made for housing my gigantic dick. She went all the way to my balls as my nose was working overytime snorthing all that fine goodness. I had to slap those fat titties and even used them to snort my "goods" off of. Before she could take home some of my product she had to continue to show me why she’s one of the best dick smokers out there. I couldn’t hold back and gave the worthless bitch every last drop of goo my balls were holding
Gwen Diamond Gwen Diamond
Visit – Take a ride on the insane train and witness a real man take charge of his bitches! The Minion | Gwen Diamond