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Sarah Vandella

Sarah Vandella Sarah Vandella
Sarah Vandella @
It was a good day for a drive and an even better day to get some more exclusive content. I can spot a big booty white girl from a mile away and Sarah Vandella’s ass was pouring out her little shorts. Her huge titties were bursting from her top and my white chick radar was going wild. She had all the makings for a video freak as long as she bought the lie that our sexual escapades would never get on the Internet. Once I set the trap it was just a matter of time before her inner freak got out and she was on all fours taking over a foot of big black dick. I damn near felt the back of her teeth as I was all the way inside her pussy and her moans told me that her history with black dick was minimal….at best. Moments after my balls were drained on her face she begged me to erase the tape but I wasn’t having none of that.Check out the pictures and video and holla at me about what you think!
Sarah Vandella Sarah Vandella
Visit – My Personal Interracial Home Movie Collection @ Interracial Pickups | Sarah Vandella